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  1. L. -C. Huang, P. -Y. Chu, K.-C. Lu, W.–C. Kang, B. –H. Juan, T. -Y Chen, B.-X. Wu ,T. -H Chang*, "Logic Cell of CFET Based on Double-Cell-Height to Enhance Intra-Cell Connectivity" SSDM 2024., Hyogo, Japan, Sep 1-4, 2024.

  2. K.-Y. Chi, C.-L. Chen, J.-Y. Li, and T.-H. Chang*, “Analytical Study of High Thermal Conductive Epoxy with Anisotropic 2D Material Composites,” International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2024, Taichung, Taiwan, Aug 19-21, 2024.

  3. B. -X. Wu, W. -H Chen, L. -C. Huang, T. -H. Chang*, “Heterogeneous Integration of Sub-nanometer Thick Ga2O3 on Si (100): Controllable Band Diagrams and Potential Applications in Advanced Electronic Devices through Polarization of Ga2O3 Strain Layer” International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2024, Taichung, Taiwan, Aug 19-21, 2024.

  4. L.-C Huang, P.-Y. Chu, K.-C. Lu, W.-C. Kang, B.-H. Juan, T.-Y. Chen, B.-X. Wu, H.-L. Shih, and T.-H. Chang*, “Double-Cell-Height CFET Logic Design with Revised Euler Algorithm,” International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2024, Taichung, Taiwan, Aug 19-21, 2024.

  5. B. -X. Wu, W. -H Chen, L. -C. Huang, T. -H. Chang*, “Improving Ion/Ioff Ratio of Sn-Doped Β-Ga2O3-Based Device Using a Thin Fe-Delta Doping Layer,” International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2024, Taichung, Taiwan, Aug 19-21, 2024.

  6. L. -C. Huang, K. –C. Lu, W. –C. Kang, B. –H. Juan, P. –Y. Chu, C. –H. Lu, T.-H. Chang*, "Optimization of CFET Standard Cell Using Double-Cell-Height Structure" VLSI-TSA 2024, HsinChu, Taiwan, Apr 22-25, 2024.

  7. C.-L. Chao, Y.-C. Chang, R.-T. Lin, Y.-H. Yang, B.-X. Wu, K.-Y. Chi and T.-H. Chang*,” High Thermal-Conductive Packaging Composites Based on Uniform Dispersion of 2D Materials,” 2023 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit. MRS Boston, Nov 26-Dec 1, 2023.

  8. K.-Y. Chi, C.-L. Chao, Y.-C. Chang, Y.-H. Yang, R.-T. Lin, B.-X. Wu, T.-C. Hsu, C.-J. Su, T.-H. Chang*, “High thermal conductive Graphene-based Composites and its Controllable ESD Application on Device Packaging,” Taiwan ESD and Reliability Conference 2023, Yang Ming Chiao Tung, Taiwan, Nov 1-3, 2023.

  9. K.-Y. Chi, C.-L. Chen, B.-X. Wu, and T.-H. Chang*, “Improved Calculation of Dielectric Constant for Composites by Modified Bruggeman model and Laplace Transform Model,” International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2023, Sun Yat-sen, Taiwan, Oct 19-20, 2023.

  10. B. -X. Wu and T.-H. Chang*, “N-type doping of ALD Ga2O3 Thin Film: A Promising Candidate for Oxide-Based Semiconductor,” International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2023, Sun Yat-sen, Taiwan, Oct 19-20, 2023.

  11. R.-T. Lin, B.-X. Wu, Y.-H. Yang, T.-C. Hsu, C.-L. Chao, Y.-C. Chang, C.-J. Su, J.-W. Lee, K.-J. Chen, W.-J. Lin, C.-H Liu and T.-H. Chang* “High thermal conductive Graphene-based Composites and its Controllable ESD Application on Device Packaging,” 45th Annual EOS/ESD Symposium (EOS/ESD), Riverside, CA USA Oct 1 - Oct 6, 2023

  12. B.-X. Wu, R.-T. Lin, T.-H. Chang*,” Low-temperature & high yield transfer approaches for embedding the 4th generation semiconductor Ga2O3 on the high thermal conductive substrate,” VLSI-TSA 2023., Hsinchu, Taiwan, 1-2, Apr 17-20, 2023. 

  13. R.-T. Lin, T.-C. Hsu, Y.-H. Yang, B.-X. Wu, C.-L. Chao, Y.-C. Chang, C.-J. Su, J.-W. Lee, K.-J. Chen, W.-J. Lin, and T.-H. Chang*, “High thermal conductive Graphene-based Composites and its Controllable ESD Application on Device Packaging,” 45th Annual EOS/ESD Symposium (EOS/ESD), Riverside, CA USA Oct 1 - Oct 6, 2023.

  14. T.-C. Hsu, B.-X. Wu, R.-T. Lin, and T.-H. Chang*, “Wafer Scale Graphene Nanoribbons with High Mobility through Periodic Phonon Interaction,” IEDMS, 2022.

  15. T.-C. Hsu, B.-X. Wu, R.-T. Lin, C.-J. Chien, C.-Y. Yeh, and T.-H. Chang*, “Electron-phonon interaction toward engineering carrier mobility of periodic edge structured Graphene nanoribbons,” European Materials Research Society 2022 Spring, online, May 30- Jun 3, 2022.

  16. Stanley S.-Y. Chang, W.-C. Kang, and T.-H. Chang*, “The development of Accurate Model considering the proximity effect to Guide the BEoL metal scheme design in the Advanced Logic Device,” VLSI-TSA 2022., Hsinchu, Taiwan, 1-2, Apr 18-21, 2022. (ISSN: 1930-8868)

  17. C.-L. Chen, R.-T. Lin, Y.-T. Hsia, T.-C. Hsu, B.-X. Wu, C.-H. Wu, Y.-J. Luo, T.-H. Chang*, “High Performance Flexible Thin-Film AlGaN/GaN HEMTs,” International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium(IEDMS), 2021.

  18. T.-C, Hsu, and T.-H. Chang*, “Utilize edge structures to adjust the carrier mobility of graphene nanoribbons,” TPS 2021 annual meeting, Chung Yuan, Taiwan, Jan 27-29, 2021.

  19. Huilong Zhang, Tzu-Hsuan Chang, Seunghwan Min, Zhenqiang Ma, "Flexible Semiconductor Device Technologies", IEEE EDTM, Apr. 2021

  20. Zhenqiang Ma, Huilong Zhang, Tzu-Hsuan Chang, Jinghao Li, Kanglin Xiong, Hongyi Mi, Solomon Mikael, Jisoo Kim, Yei Hwan Jung, Jeongpil Park, Juhwan Lee, Jung Han, Zhiyong Cai, Shaoqin Gong"Toward High Frequency and High Power Flexible Electronics", 233rd ECS Meeting (May 13-17, 2018), 2018

  21. Z. Ma, T.-H. Chang, H. Chang, "Flexible and stretchable GaN HEMT and amplifiers," IEEE IFETC, Ottawa, Canada, Aug. 2018

  22. T.-H. Chang, H. Mi, K. Xiong, J. Kim, M. S. Arnold, X. Wang, X. Li, S. Gong, H.-C. Yuan, Z. Ma, "Heterogeneous AlGaAs/Si tandem solar cell with ultrathin oxide-interfaced tunneling junction," AEMC 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, Mar. 2018

  23. H. Zhang, T.-H. Chang, J. Li, K. Xiong, J. Kim, Y. H. Jung, J. Park, J. Lee, J. Han, Z. Cai, S. Gong, Z. Ma,, "Flexible AlGaN/GaN HEMT Based Radio Frequency Power Amplifier on Biodegradable CNF Substrate," International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Tampa, Florida, Nov. 2017

  24. P. Xue, Z. Wang, T.-H. Chang, Y. Nishi, J.Leon Shohet, "The effect of Proton radiation on ALD HfO2 films and HfO2 base RRAM," AVS-Symposium, Tampa, FL, U.S., Nov. 2017

  25. Z. Ma, et al, "Large Lattice-Mismatched Heterojunctions Through UO-Interfaced Material Grafting for Wide Bandgap Bipolar Junction Transistors," BTCM 2017, Miami, FL, U.S., Oct. 2017

  26. T.-H. Chang, K. Xiong, D. Liu, M.-Y. Wu, H. Mi, H. Zhang, Z. Xia, S. H. Park, M. S. Arnold, J. Han and Z. Ma, "Fast solar-blind AlGaN/GaN 2DEG UV detector with transparent graphene electrode," Government Microcircuit Applications and Critical Technology Conference (GOMACTech), Reno, NV, U.S., Mar. 2017

  27. S. Xiong, T.-H. Chang, R. M. Jacobberger, M. S. Arnold, Z. Ma, and P. F. Nealey, "Extremely broad processing window for directed self-assembly of block copolymer films on atomically-thin graphene chemical patterns," SPIE: Advanced Lithography conference, San Jose, CA, U.S., Feb. 2017

  28. Y. H. Jung, J.-H. Seo, H. Zhang, J. Lee, S. J. Cho, T.-H. Chang, Z. Ma, "Radio-frequency flexible and stretchable electronics: the need, challenges and opportunities," SPIE: Flexible, Stretchable, Reconfigurable Electronics for Vehicular Technology, Anaheim, CA, U.S, 2017

  29. Z. Xia, H. Song, M. Kim, M. Zhou, T.-H. Chang, D. Liu, K. Xiong, Z. Yu, Z. Ma, Q. Gan, "Photodetecting MOSFET based on ultrathin single-crystal germanium nanomembrane," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) 2016, San Jose, CA, U.S., Jun. 2016

  30. Z. Ma, Y. H. Jung, T.-H. Chang, J.-H. Seo, Z. Cai and S. Gong, "Green Microwave Electronics for the Coming Era of Flexible Electronics," 2016 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, San Francisco, CA, U.S., May 2016

  31. D. Liu , Z. Xia , S. Cho , D. Zhao , H. Zhang , T. Chang , X. Yin , M. Kim , J. Seo , J. Lee , X. Wang , W. Zhou and Z. Ma, "Cavity enhanced 1.5 um LED with silicon as hole injector," SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, CA, U.S., Feb. 2016

  32. Z. Ma, Y. Jung, J. Seo, J. Lee, S. Cho, T.-H. Chang, H. Zhang, S. Gong and W. Zhou, "Radio-frequency flexible and stretchable electronics," Proceedings of CSTIC, Shanghai, China, Feb. 2016

  33. Y. H. Jung, T.-H. Chang, S. Gong and Z. Ma, "Towards High-Performance Green Flexible Electronics Using Nanocellulose Materials," 2015 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, Boston, MA, U.S., Dec. 2015

  34. Z. Ma, Y. H. Jung, J.-H. Seo, T.-H. Chang, S. J. Cho, J. Lee, H. Zhang and W. Zhou, "Materials and Design Considerations for Fast Flexible and Stretchable Electronics," 2015 IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, Washington, DC, U.S., Dec. 2015

  35. K. Xiong, H. Mi, T.-H. Chang, M. Wu, S. Gong, W. Zhou, M. Arnold, H. Yuan, Z. Ma, "AlGaAs/Si dual-junction tandem solar cells fabricated by epitaxial lift-off and print transfer-assisted bonding," 42nd IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, New Orleans, LA, U.S., Jun. 2015

  36. Tzu-Hsuan Chang, Kanglin Xiong, Sung Hyun Park, Hongyi Mi, Huilong Zhang, Solomon Mikael, Yei Hwan Jung, Jung Han, Zhenqiang Ma, "High power fast flexible electronics: Transparent RF AlGaN/GaN HEMTs on plastic substrates," Microwave Symposium (IMS), 2015 IEEE MTT-S International, May 2015

  37. J.-H. Seo, T.-H. Chang, R. Sabo, Z. Cai, S. Gong, Z. Ma, "Radio-Frequency Flexible Transistors on Cellulose Nanofibrillated Fiber (CNF) Substrates," 15th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems, San Diego, CA, U.S., Jan. 2015

  38. D.-W. Park, T.-H. Chang, S. Mikael, J.-H. Seo, P. F. Nealey, Z. Ma, "Graphene RF transistors with buried bottom gate," 13th Topical Meeting on Silicon Monolithic Integrated Circuits in RF Systems (SiRF'3), Austin, TX, U.S., Jan. 2013

  39. T.-H. Chang, H. S. Suh, S. Mikael, J.-H. Seo, P. F. Nealey and Z. Ma, "Flexible graphene transistor via printing transfer," TechConnect World Nanotech Conference and Expo 2012, Santa Clara, CA, U.S., Jun. 2012

  40. C. Lin, P. F. Nealey, T.-H. Chang, Z. Ma, A. K. Raub, S. R. J. Brueck, E. Han, P. Gopalan, "Integration of block copolymer directed self assembly with 193i lithography toward fabrication of nanowire MOSFETs," Proceedings of SPIE Microlithography, San Jose, CA, U.S., Mar. 2011

  41. A. G.-Uribe, J. Zou, T.-H. Chang, M. Duvic, V. Prieto, L. V. Wang, "Oblique-incidence spatially resolved diffuse reflectance spectroscopic diagnosis of skin cancer," Proceeding of SPIE, San Francisco, CA, U.S., 2010


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